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Benjang, Sundanese martial art |
West Java may be proud with a global martial art. This area arts played
in many countries, including the Olympics as a martial sport.
However, martial art is not the only one. There is still a traditional art that has evolved into the martial arts, is often called the Sundanese wrestling or Benjang.
There are many versions Benjang origin. Some call Benjang drawn from the pesantren in West Java. Another version tells, Benjang comes from the Dutch, the band jong, or a group of young people who crowded the arts play.
Another version says, Benjang born from the tradition of farmers after the harvest. They match each other and agility slam on straw. Formerly Benjang often exhibited as weddings, family safety, or the 40th day of the birth of a baby.
Benjang like sumo, a traditional Japanese wrestling. In the local level, Benjang also similar gedou in Aceh, in marsurangut Tapanuli, atoll in Rembang, patol in East Java, bahempas in Banjarmasin, and sirroto in Bugis.
Some paguron (college) which still survive, among others in Ujungberung Wargi Library, Library Wangi (Ujungberung), White Eagle (Ujungberung), and Young Libot (Ujungberung). To test the ability, one group usually consisted of wrestling Benjang at least 15 people consisting of 9 drummers, 1 leader, 4 players and 1 referee.
According to Ike Gusmiati, pebenjang of Paguron Panca Putra Color, Ujungberung, as a form of art, serving Benjang not be separated from the tradition. There continue to be maintained that standard. During the game, to be accompanied Benjang Sundanese musical instruments, such as terebang, trumpet, drum, drum, kecrek, and drums. Pebenjang must perform the opening movement, like dancing (ibing) is divided into three stages, namely golempang (event introductions), quail ngungkuk (symbol for opponents), and beurum panon (say ready to fight).
Formerly after ibing movement, black clothing worn must be removed and leaving a pair of shorts. That indicates pebenjang clean or not carrying any other weapons. They also covered his head with a glove that is used so that your opponent is not afraid to see a challenger.
If you've found the opposite, in soil pebenjang fought hard. However, now mostly use pebenjang sheath, like a wrestler, and competed on the mat.
"Once free to fight anyone without considering a large or small body. Meaning, a person must be able to measure the ability of self and emotion independently and facing the opponent's ability. But, now must be weighed first, "he said. Test fairness
According Eutik, former pebenjang Ujungberung, when played the first time, Benjang is intended to test the courage and sportsmanship. Term, rather than fighting outside, it's better to test the strength in the arena game.
However, Benjang been tarnished when the government banned the years 1970-1980 show. The reason, staging Benjang always cause a physical disturbance.
Benjang slowly rose and very tight against the perpetrators. There are many rules before playing. Down to the arena before the match, not allowed pebenjang striking, kicking, and punching.
The technique also played all kinds, including nyentok upstream (stamping), ngabeluit (twisted), ankle (armpit lock movement), and dengkekan (crab).
"The simplest distinction between wrestling and Benjang include pe-benjang was dropped when the opponent to the ground, he is the winner" he said.
As one of the martial arts, Benjang also do not want to stop in the traditional form. Just like martial art, Benjang also want to be known more widely.
However, not every time Benjang done. As a result, Benjang better known as the tradition, not a sports achievement.
So far the level of sports achievement, Benjang only exhibition game at some sports wrestling match. In fact, according to Karma, home pebenjang Majalengka, wrestling potential is not lost much. Just like martial art, Benjang area has also produced its own performance while carrying kekhasannya. In fact, his name is known to the Japanese. In 2004 Benjang never made a comparative study sumo sports activist.
Wulandari, Secretary Libot in Paguron Benjang Ciwaru Village, Village Cilengkrang, Cilengkrang district, Bandung regency, hoping one day be as Benjang athletes wrestling athletes who competed in the national championship and even internationally.
Written in the Martial Arts. ancestral heritage
However, martial art is not the only one. There is still a traditional art that has evolved into the martial arts, is often called the Sundanese wrestling or Benjang.
There are many versions Benjang origin. Some call Benjang drawn from the pesantren in West Java. Another version tells, Benjang comes from the Dutch, the band jong, or a group of young people who crowded the arts play.
Another version says, Benjang born from the tradition of farmers after the harvest. They match each other and agility slam on straw. Formerly Benjang often exhibited as weddings, family safety, or the 40th day of the birth of a baby.
Benjang like sumo, a traditional Japanese wrestling. In the local level, Benjang also similar gedou in Aceh, in marsurangut Tapanuli, atoll in Rembang, patol in East Java, bahempas in Banjarmasin, and sirroto in Bugis.
Some paguron (college) which still survive, among others in Ujungberung Wargi Library, Library Wangi (Ujungberung), White Eagle (Ujungberung), and Young Libot (Ujungberung). To test the ability, one group usually consisted of wrestling Benjang at least 15 people consisting of 9 drummers, 1 leader, 4 players and 1 referee.
According to Ike Gusmiati, pebenjang of Paguron Panca Putra Color, Ujungberung, as a form of art, serving Benjang not be separated from the tradition. There continue to be maintained that standard. During the game, to be accompanied Benjang Sundanese musical instruments, such as terebang, trumpet, drum, drum, kecrek, and drums. Pebenjang must perform the opening movement, like dancing (ibing) is divided into three stages, namely golempang (event introductions), quail ngungkuk (symbol for opponents), and beurum panon (say ready to fight).
Formerly after ibing movement, black clothing worn must be removed and leaving a pair of shorts. That indicates pebenjang clean or not carrying any other weapons. They also covered his head with a glove that is used so that your opponent is not afraid to see a challenger.
If you've found the opposite, in soil pebenjang fought hard. However, now mostly use pebenjang sheath, like a wrestler, and competed on the mat.
"Once free to fight anyone without considering a large or small body. Meaning, a person must be able to measure the ability of self and emotion independently and facing the opponent's ability. But, now must be weighed first, "he said. Test fairness
According Eutik, former pebenjang Ujungberung, when played the first time, Benjang is intended to test the courage and sportsmanship. Term, rather than fighting outside, it's better to test the strength in the arena game.
However, Benjang been tarnished when the government banned the years 1970-1980 show. The reason, staging Benjang always cause a physical disturbance.
Benjang slowly rose and very tight against the perpetrators. There are many rules before playing. Down to the arena before the match, not allowed pebenjang striking, kicking, and punching.
The technique also played all kinds, including nyentok upstream (stamping), ngabeluit (twisted), ankle (armpit lock movement), and dengkekan (crab).
"The simplest distinction between wrestling and Benjang include pe-benjang was dropped when the opponent to the ground, he is the winner" he said.
As one of the martial arts, Benjang also do not want to stop in the traditional form. Just like martial art, Benjang also want to be known more widely.
However, not every time Benjang done. As a result, Benjang better known as the tradition, not a sports achievement.
So far the level of sports achievement, Benjang only exhibition game at some sports wrestling match. In fact, according to Karma, home pebenjang Majalengka, wrestling potential is not lost much. Just like martial art, Benjang area has also produced its own performance while carrying kekhasannya. In fact, his name is known to the Japanese. In 2004 Benjang never made a comparative study sumo sports activist.
Wulandari, Secretary Libot in Paguron Benjang Ciwaru Village, Village Cilengkrang, Cilengkrang district, Bandung regency, hoping one day be as Benjang athletes wrestling athletes who competed in the national championship and even internationally.
Written in the Martial Arts. ancestral heritage
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